

Pawel describes himself as happy, secure and while uncertain about his next step, he feels able to cope as he continues on his educational journey.

Joining LVS Hassocks in June 2016, at the end of Year 7, Pawel went from studying for one hour a day, isolated from his fellow pupils in a mainstream school, to making friends and thriving within the supportive and nurturing environment of LVS.

Having achieved qualifications, including Level 2 in English, maths and science and a BTEC level 2 in cooking, as well as various AQA units, he started at Brinsbury College having finished sixth form at school. He is currently on a foundation year, which will allow him to progress onto a course he’d like to study at another college in the future.

Pawel enjoyed the opportunities provided by LVS Hassocks, especially the programme which allows students to get experience of Brinsbury College and experience courses, like Blacksmithing.

“LVS Hassocks has helped me grow into the person I am today”

“At the beginning, it was stressful, as anything new doesn’t feel normal. But LVS Hassocks has helped prepare me for my future life. They supported me when I was at my worst and gave me the confidence to do things I couldn’t do – or thought I couldn’t do – independently,” says Pawel.

“LVS Hassocks has helped me grow into the person I am today, capable of all the things that I am capable of doing today. The teachers, who were highly trained, were really helpful and gave lots of good advice and helped me do things.”

Pawel enjoys going back to LVS Hassocks at Christmas and for the Summer Sharing concert to see his old school again and to keep in contact with his teachers.

“I was sad to leave, but I feel happy, secure and while I might be uncertain as to what I may go on to do next, I’m not as bad as I used to be years ago and I am more able to cope with things,” he says.